Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dental Implant Surgeons Address the Gum Disease Scourge Affecting So Many Phoenix AZ Residents, PART 4

In this four-part article series, a panel of dental implant surgeon provides us with an in-depth understanding of gum disease, which is one of the most common illnesses affecting American society today.

Welcome to the final installment of this four-part article series on gum disease and the considerable problems it causes for those unfortunate Phoenix residents who may have it. So far in this article series we have defined what gum disease is and what it’s typically caused by. We have also looked at what Phoenix residents can do to minimize their risk of ever developing this terrible oral ailment, because – as it was revealed in our previous article installment – gum disease shares a link with a whole host of sinister bodily diseases that could prove to be fatal.

Now, in this final post, our panel of Phoenix-based dental implant surgeons will speak about the various treatment options available to patients who have gum problems, starting with mild gingivitis and ending with severe periodontitis.

Gum Disease Treatment: Gingivitis

Gum Disease Treatment
If you suspect that you have gum problems, the very first course of action for you must be to schedule an appointment with your dental healthcare professional. Only once a diagnosis has been made can your treatment options be decided upon. The good news is that if you have been diagnosed with gingivitis – a mild bacterial infection of the gums – your treatment will be non-surgical and painless.

“Usually, patients with gingivitis require little more than a thorough professional cleaning and a little instruction on improving their home oral hygiene routine and eating habits,” explains a Phoenix dental implant surgeon. “We’ll then schedule another check-up for a few weeks’ time hence to ensure that their gums are looking healthier and that no other professional interventions are necessary.”

Quitting smoking, moderating alcohol consumption and improving your eating habits will also go a long way to reduce the symptoms of gingivitis, which can include persistent bad breath and tender, inflamed gums.

Gum Disease Treatment: Periodontitis

Gum Disease
If you have been diagnosed with advanced gum disease – also known as “periodontitis” – you will likely require a more thorough approach to treatment.

“The concept behind treating periodontitis is to eliminate the vast colonies of bacteria that are causing the infection. Since much of this bacteria has accumulated beneath the gum line, advanced gum disease treatment can necessitate surgery,” says a dental implant surgeon. “Not to worry, though! We always prioritize the comfort of our Phoenix patients by numbing the gums and – if necessary and desired – by administrating a sedative beforehand.”

In addition to surgery, a patient being treated for periodontitis may undergo one or more of the following treatment measures:

• A series of professional cleanings.
• Root planing and scaling, which involves the removal of plaque and tartar from beneath the gum line.
• A course of anti-biotic medication.

And, of course, hand-in-hand with professional treatment comes the need to reassess and change one’s lifestyle and standard of living.

“Moving forward from gum disease treatment it’s vitally important that you make some permanent changes to the way you live,” urge Phoenix dental implant surgeons. “Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption will only encourage the infection to return, as will an unhealthy sugar-packed diet. By improving your general health, you will enable your body to fight off infection and prevent the reoccurrence of gum disease.”

Good oral hygiene and routine dental check-ups are also vital, so make sure you floss everyday, brush thoroughly at least twice a day and visit your dentist and oral hygienist twice or more per year!

Busting gum disease is a game changer for many Phoenix residents, because it improves their appearance, their quality of life and potentially, their lifespan!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Dental Implant Surgeons Address the Gum Disease Scourge Affecting So Many Litchfield Park AZ Residents, PART 3

In this four-part article series, a panel of dental implant surgeon provides us with an in-depth understanding of gum disease, which is one of the most common illnesses affecting American society today.

Welcome to the third installment of this four-part article series on gum disease and the considerable problems it causes for those unfortunate Litchfield Park residents who have it. Previously, in Part 2 of this series, we took a look at the various risk factors and causes of gum disease.

Now, given our new understanding of what causes this terrible oral ailment, our panel of dental implant surgeons will explain to our readers the ideal lifestyle that should minimize the risk of you developing gum disease. We shall then move on to explain just how potentially dangerous gum disease can be if left without treatment.

The Ideal Gum Disease Free Lifestyle

Dental Implants Litchfield Park
People who live a gum disease free life and who maintain a gorgeous, healthy smile:

•    Brush their teeth at least twice a day.

•    Floss every day.

•    Follow a healthy diet with minimal sugar and simple carbohydrates

•    See the dentist and oral hygienist twice per year for scheduled check-ups and cleanings, respectively.

•    Stay away from illegal drugs.

•    Imbibe alcohol in moderation.

•    Don’t smoke or chew tobacco.

•    Don’t ignore oral problems and seek professional dental care immediately.

The Real Dangers of Untreated Gum Disease

Gum Disease Treatment
It’s bad enough that gum disease can totally ruin the appearance of your smile and negatively influence how people view you on a social and professional level… but, that’s not where sufferers’ problems end!

“Gum disease has systemic effects, which means that the damage it causes isn’t limited to the oral cavity,” explains a dental implant surgeon in Litchfield Park. “In fact, gum disease shares a relationship with a great number of other illnesses and ailments that affect all of your body’s organs! And potentially fatally, too.”

According to the medical literature, gum disease and diabetes are closely linked with one another, as is gum disease and heart disease. In other words, having one leaves you more likely to develop the other and vice versa. Here are some other diseases that share a shocking connection with gum disease:

•    Liver and kidney disease
•    Respiratory infection
•    Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
•    Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis
•    An increase risk of stroke
•    Premature birth and low birth weight babies

“Having an unhealthy mouth leaves your entire body at risk of infection and disease, which is why good oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are so important,” say Litchfield Park dental implant surgeons. “It’s about so much more than just maintaining a beautiful, confident smile… you cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mouth when the air you breath and the food you eat constantly pass through it.”

The best solution to gum disease is to prevent it and that’s one of the positive messages being delivered by dental healthcare professionals today: gum disease can easily be prevented! But, if you have already been diagnosed with gum problems or suspect that you may have gum disease, it’s never too late to be treated. The earlier the better, so tune in again next week to find out more about your treatment options.

Stay Tuned for Part 4

To find out more about gum disease and the various treatments available to Litchfield Park residents, stay tuned for the final installment of this four-part article series.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dental Implant Surgeons Address the Gum Disease Scourge Affecting So Many Glendale AZ Residents, PART 2

In this four-part article series, a panel of dental implant surgeon provides us with an in-depth understanding of gum disease, which is one of the most common illnesses affecting American society today. 

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series on gum disease and the considerable problems it causes for those unfortunate Glendale residents who may have it. Previously, in Part 1 of the series, we took a look at the key symptoms of gum disease, the main ones being gum inflammation, swelling and bleeding and bad breath.

“Untreated gum disease will eventually lead to tooth loss,” warned our panel of dental implant surgeons in Glendale.

In Part 2, we’ll be shifting our attention to the very habits and lifestyles that leave us far more susceptible to developing gum disease. But first…

What Exactly IS Gum Disease?

Glendale dental implant surgeon
Gum disease is a condition resulting from a chronic bacterial infection of the gums. It begins as a mild infection called “gingivitis,” which typically presents as slightly puffy and inflamed gums, as well as bad breath. With persistent bad habits, such as smoking, a poor diet, heavy alcohol consumption and/or poor oral hygiene, the infection can become more severe.

“Oral bacteria consume the sugars we introduce to our mouths and produce acidic by-products that erode away our dental enamel and irritate the gums,” explains a Glendale dental implant surgeon. “This is how cavities and gum inflammation are caused and it’s precisely why regular brushing and flossing are so important.

“However, as the infection is allowed to progress, the bacteria can penetrate into the snug spaces between the teeth and the gums, where no amount of brushing can eliminate them. Here, they form deep periodontal pockets of infection that can ultimately destroy the ligaments and other connective tissues that keep the teeth in place, which is why untreated gum disease leads to tooth loss. It’s at this advanced stage that the disease becomes known as “periodontitis”.”

The Top Causes of Gum Disease

And so, to recap what was discussed in the previous section, gum disease is typically caused by one or more of the following factors:

•    Poor oral hygiene: Not brushing or flossing thoroughly and/or frequently enough and not seeing the oral hygienist for a professional clean at least twice per year.

•    Tobacco use:
Chewing and smoking tobacco irritate the gums and encourage the growth of bacteria that lead to gum disease.

•    A bad diet high in sugar: Oral bacteria are fuelled by sugar, so if you have a diet that is packed with sugar and simple carbohydrates, you will be at a greater risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

•    Genetics: “Unfortunately this is not something you can do much about,” say Glendale dental implant surgeons. “If you are genetically predisposed to having gum problems and/or if you are male, you will have to up your oral hygiene routine and be stricter on your diet in order to prevent yourself from developing gum disease.”

•    Alcohol consumption:
Alcoholic beverages tend to be acidic and packed with sugar, which is bad enough for your teeth. Couple that with the dehydrating effects of alcohol and the unhealthy eating that tends to come hand-in-hand with a heavy night out and you’ve got a recipe for gum disease. Moderate your intake.

•    Certain medications: If you’re on chronic medications for depression, heart disease or allergies and if you’ve noticed that these medications tend to give you “dry mouth,” speak to your dentist about it. Saliva is important in fighting the bad bacteria in the mouth and so a deficit of it can leave you more vulnerable to gum disease.

•    Hormonal fluctuations: “During puberty, menopause and pregnancy, your hormones tend to be all over the place and this can leave you more susceptible to gum problems,” explains one dental implant surgeon in Glendale. “Make sure you visit your dentist regularly during these times and keep up the healthy eating and good home oral hygiene!”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

To find out more about gum disease and why it poses such a health risk to Glendale residents, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Dental Implant Surgeons Address the Gum Disease Scourge Affecting So Many Sun City West Residents, PART 1

In this four-part article series, a panel of dental implant surgeon provides us with an in-depth understanding of gum disease, which is one of the most common illnesses affecting American society today. 

Gum disease is one of the most common ailments affecting the residents of Sun City West and, in fact, the entirety of North America. According to the Center for Disease Control (the CDC), a staggering 8 out of 10 Americans have gum problems, which may range from mild gingivitis to severe periodontitis. Both are forms of gum disease that, without treatment by a trained dental professional and improved oral hygiene, could eventually lead to tooth loss.

Many of the key problems behind these statistics are bad lifestyle choices like drug abuse, smoking and heavy alcohol consumption. But the predominant culprits are simply ignorance and a lack of proper oral hygiene. You don’t need to lead a hedonistic lifestyle to develop gum disease and many Sun City West residents have learned this the hard way.

And so, in an effort to abolish ignorance, this four-part article series is geared at helping our readers better understand gum disease: what it is, what it’s caused by, the various symptoms we should all be on the lookout for and what treatment entails. Our advice is supplied by some of Sun City West’s most respected dental implant surgeons, who routinely address the damage done by this nefarious dental health issue.

Without further ado, let’s get started with the first question on everybody’s lips…

How Do I Know If I Have Gum Disease?

All too often we leave medical conditions and problems until we can no longer tolerate the symptoms. By this stage, of course, the problem has likely become advanced and more complex and costly to treat. This is precisely the case with gum disease, which initially may not present with very painful or obvious symptoms.

Gum Disease Treatment
“Many of the patients we treat for gum disease only actually book an appointment with their dental healthcare professional after the disease has become advanced,” explains a Sun City West dental implant surgeon. “This is because gum disease seldom causes pain or discomfort in its early stages. It can quite easily be ignored and because most people don’t go for their bi-annual dental appointments as they should, the disease goes undiagnosed and untreated for far longer than it should.”

The first step in combatting gum disease is spreading awareness of its symptoms, which – you’ll be surprised to learn – are far more common than we’d like to think. In fact, chances are you may have (now or in the past) been personally acquainted with one or more of them…

The Symptoms of Gum Disease

And so, to answer the question stated above, you may have gum disease if you have noticed one or more of the following symptoms:

Dental Implants Sun City West
•    Gums that are red and inflamed: healthy gums are pink in color.

•    Swollen gums that may appear to be encroaching on the crowns of the teeth, making them look smaller and shorter.

•    Gums that bleed easily when brushing, flossing or even biting into tough, fibrous foods.

•    The appearance of a swollen “tear-drop” shaped bulb of gum tissue between each tooth.

•    Persistent bad breath (halitosis) that returns shortly after brushing.

•    The visible appearance of yellowish or even grey deposits of plaque, tartar and other calculus on and between the teeth.

In the advanced stages of gum disease, some of the following additional symptoms may become evident:

•    A persistent foul taste in the mouth that returns shortly after brushing.

•    Moderate to severe tooth discoloration.

•    The unnatural recession of the gums from the crowns of the teeth, possibly even exposing the roots of the teeth, which can lead to tooth sensitivity.

•    Tender, sensitive gums.

•    Oral lesions and sores that come and go.

•    Teeth that feel loose and ultimately, tooth loss.

“We want everyone to know that without treatment and an improvement in lifestyle and oral hygiene, gum disease will cause you to lose all of your natural teeth,” warns our panel of Sun City dental implant dentists.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out more about gum disease and why it poses such a health risk to Sun City West residents, stay tuned for the second installment of this four-part article series.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Dental Implant News for Surprise AZ : The 14 Benefits of Dental Implants, PART 3

This three-part article series explains the top 14 benefits of dental implants as a fantastic solution to single and multiple tooth loss, as well as edentulism.

Welcome to the final installment of this three-part article series on the many incredible benefits of dental implants as a solution to single, multiple and total tooth loss. Previously, in Part 2, we spoke to a panel of dental implant surgeons in Surprise AZ and they explained the following five benefits:

6. Dental implants increase chewing function and bite strength, enabling patients to enjoy a much healthier and more varied diet.

7. Dental implants provide complete support for one’s new teeth, which increases oral comfort and a feeling of normal, natural bite function.

8. Dental implants improve speech and enunciation, and forget that annoying clicking sound traditionally associated with dentures!

9. Dental implants promote healthy bone structure and in doing so, help to retain one’s natural youthful facial contours and skin.

10. Dental implants have a better success rate than alternative technology and they tend to last far longer, too.

Let’s take a look at the four final benefits to wrap up this series.

The 14 Benefits of Dental Implants, Continued…

11.Dental Implants Can Give Patients New Teeth in One Day

“There are modern sophisticated implant protocols capable of giving patients, who previously didn’t have any natural teeth at all, a complete set of new and non-removable teeth in just one day, with one surgical appointment,” says a Arizona dental implant dentist. “You can literally walk into the dental office in the morning without teeth and then out again in the afternoon with teeth. The most popular of these techniques is known as the All-on-4 and it has succeeded in changing the lives of tens of thousands of previously edentulous (toothless) patients from all over America.”

12.Dental Implants Support Replacement Teeth that Feel Natural

No more bulky dentures that slip around when eating and speaking: dental implants support new teeth that feel natural, won’t cause pain when eating and are fixed and non-removable.

13.No Tooth Decay, No Root Canals, No Tooth Pain

The new teeth you will be given are not vulnerable to bacteria, which means that they can’t become decayed, they’ll never require root canals and they certainly won’t cause you pain the way your failing natural teeth used to.

“The teeth supported by dental implants are made from a combination of materials, including ceramics and prosthetics and these are unaffected by bacterial activity and decay,” says a Surprise dental implant surgeon. “This is quite beneficial because it negates the need for any kind of restorative work in the future and it also means that you’re new teeth will remain beautiful and healthy-looking as long as you care for them properly. Just make sure you still brush and floss regularly, because that will be important for maintaining the health of the underlying gums.”

14.Dental Implants Improve Medical Health

Dental implants improve your general health in a myriad of ways. You’re able to eat better and more comfortably, which means that you get the nutrition you need to support a strong, healthy body. You’re able to smile openly and with far more confidence, which has a fantastic impact upon your self-esteem and psychological health. Arizona residents who have had failing teeth and/or dentures replaced with dental implants simply experience a much greater quality of life and with a healthy mouth, the impacts on general health are many and manifold.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Dental Implant News for Arizona: The 14 Benefits of Dental Implants, PART 2

This three-part article series explains the top 14 benefits of dental implants as a fantastic solution to single and multiple tooth loss, as well as edentulism.

Welcome to the second installment of this three-part article series on the many incredible benefits of dental implants as a teeth replacement solution. In Part 1, we spoke to a panel of dental implant surgeons in Arizona, who presented the following five benefits:

1. Dental implants are permanently anchored in the jawbone, providing patients with fixed, comfortable and non-removable teeth.

2. Dental implants preserve jawbone health, promoting long-term oral health and one’s youthful facial contours.

3. Dental implants have a better cosmetic outcome, giving patients a more beautiful and natural-looking smile.

4. Dental implants improve confidence and self-esteem, which has a dramatic impact upon all aspects of a patient’s life, especially socially.

5. Dental implants improve psychological health and often inspire patients to improve upon other areas of their life.

The 14 Benefits of Dental Implants, Continued…

Dental Implants Arizona
6. Dental Implants Increase Chewing Function

“Because a patient’s new tooth or teeth are supported by the jawbone, as is the case with natural healthy teeth, they will find it much easier and more comfortable to eat,” explains Sun City dental implant surgeon. “Dentures are supported by the gums, which can make mealtimes a painful experience, since your gums were never intended to help you eat. Dental implants improve bite function and strength and this permits patients to enjoy most of their favorite foods.”

7. Dental Implants Increase Oral Comfort

With your new teeth being supported by the jawbone and not by your gums, which can become inflamed and painful as a result, patients will find that dental implants feel far more natural and comfortable. This also creates a sensation of responsiveness in the mouth – as though you can feel your teeth when you bite down – and this is something removable dentures and similar dental appliances cannot mimic.

8.    Dental Implants Improve Speech and Enunciation

“Because your teeth are anchored in your mouth and don’t move and slip around when you talk, you’ll find speech and clear enunciation far easier,” says a Arizona dental implant dentist. “Imagine trying to talk with a bulky plastic set of teeth in your mouth: your speech can become quite muddled. Dentures also have the nasty habit of clicking when you open and close your mouth, so dental implant patients can look forward to clear, concise and confidence speech.”

9. Dental Implants Support Facial Structures to Reduce Prematurely Aged Appearance

When you lose teeth, the supporting jawbone tends to atrophy and waste away. This causes the loss of support of the facial skin, which can sag, sink in and wrinkle as a result. Because dental implant facilitate excellent jawbone health, they maintain good support for the facial structure and tissues, which in turn helps to prevent premature aging.

Dental Implants Sun City
10. Dental Implants Have a Better Success Rate Than Alternatives

“Single dental implant procedures typically have a 98% success rate, while full mouth reconstruction comes in at 95% over a period of 10 years,” says a Sun City dental implant surgeon. “This is a fantastic success rate for any procedure and, given that implants can also last decades to a lifetime if looked after properly, is without competition from any teeth replacement alternative.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for the final installment of this three-part article series to find out about more amazing benefits of dental implant technology.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dental Implant News for Sun City Grand: The 14 Benefits of Dental Implants, PART 1

This three-part article series explains the top 14 benefits of dental implants as a fantastic solution to single and multiple tooth loss, as well as edentulism.

Just ask any good dentist in Arizona: dental implants are considered the most sophisticated technology for addressing the loss of natural teeth. These titanium devices are gently placed in the bone of the jaw to provide a rigid support for a new ceramic tooth or prosthetic set of teeth and the outcomes for patients are a confident smile, good bite function and greater oral comfort.

In this three-part article series, a panel of experienced dental implant surgeons in Sun City Grand will be walking us through the unparalleled benefits of this 21st Century technology. Armed with this greater awareness, it is hoped that more patients will opt for implants rather than wasting time, money and precious health on inferior teeth replacement devices, such as removable dentures and partials.

The 14 Benefits of Dental Implants

1. Dental Implants are Permanently Anchored Implant Teeth

Dental Implants Arizona
Unlike traditional teeth replacement appliances, dental implant support teeth (or sets of teeth) that are permanently anchored and non-removable. This eliminates many of the challenges that are typically associated with dentures and partials, such as loose and uncomfortable teeth, painful inflamed gums and difficulty with eating and speaking.

2. Dental Implants Preserve Jaw Bone Health

“Implants assume the role of the missing tooth root or roots,” explains a dental implant dentist in Arizona. “By doing this, they channel the eating forces into the underlying jawbone and as a result, this bone is stimulated and exercised. What this does is promote the health of the jawbone, keeping it bulky and strong. This also maintains one’s youthful facial contours and appearances.”

3. Dental Implants Have a Better Cosmetic Outcome

Implants support replacement teeth (ceramic crowns) or sets of teeth (prosthetic bridges) that are expertly fabricated to closely resemble natural teeth. Because these replacement teeth are supported by the jawbone (via dental implants), their construction doesn’t need to be bulky, as is the case with removable dentures, which rely on their bulk for stability in the mouth. This provides much better and more natural cosmetic outcomes for the patient.

4.    Dental Implants Improve Confidence and Self-esteem

Dental Implants Sun City Grand
“More beautiful smile aesthetics and teeth that look natural and healthy provide patients with much better confidence and self-esteem,” says a Sun City Grand dental implant surgeon. “Dental implants can literally revolutionize the way patients feel about themselves and this has a dramatic effect upon their social and professional lives.”

5. Dental Implants Improve Psychological Health

Better confidence, a healthier self-esteem and a greater quality of life promote better mental and psychological health.

“One of the most incredible benefits of having old, failing teeth replaced with attractive, functional and non-removable implants is the new lease on life it provides patients,” says an Arizona dental implant dentist. “Armed with a beautiful, comfortable and natural-looking smile, many patients have gone on to change other things about their lifestyles, simply because they find themselves in a much better place physically, emotionally and psychologically. They’ll improve their diet, lose weight and get more involved with friends and family: it’s a whole life make-over!”

Stay Tuned for Part 2

Stay tuned for the second installment of this three-part article series to find out about more amazing benefits of dental implant technology.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Dental Implant News for Sun City Grand: Newer Procedure LESS Expensive Than Older Predecessors, PART 5

This five-part article series explains how the newer “All-on-4” dental implant protocol manages to vastly undercut the cost of more traditional techniques for full mouth reconstruction.

 Welcome to the final installment of this five-part article series on how the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol makes it possible for Sun City Grand residents to save tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of new permanent teeth!

Dental Implants Sun City Grand
We’ve covered a lot of ground in this article series, so far. We’ve explained how the “All-on-4” works and how it compares with traditional dental implant protocols and we’ve fully explored most of the ways this revolutionary procedure can save patients an incredible amount of money:

• It only requires four implants per jaw, as opposed to six, eight or even ten (Part 2).

• It typically avoids the need for bone grafting surgery, which saves patients thousands of dollars as well as several months in recovery (Part 3).

• It only requires a single treatment planning phase, a single surgery and a single recovery period for patients to get new teeth, as opposed to multiple (Part 4).

We just have one more area to explore and that’s the quality of lifestyle experienced by patients once they’ve had their beautiful, permanent teeth placed. And so, without further ado, let’s conclude this five-part article series with the following section…

The “All-on-4” Saves Patients on the Cost of Follow-up Procedures and Repeated Restoration

If done by an experienced dental implant surgeon in Sun City Grand, implants can pretty much be regarded as a one-time expense and a very valuable investment in your quality of life, for the rest of your life. Made from exceptionally durable and long-lasting materials, “All-on-4” implant-supported bridges have the ability to last a lifetime and to serve patients just as a healthy set of natural teeth might have served them.

This not only boasts innumerable benefits - such as a better quality of life, better bite function, better nutrition, greater confidence and healthier self-esteem – but it also means greater day-to-day savings, especially on maintenance. “All-on-4” teeth are cared for just like natural teeth and, if done so properly, they won’t typically require restoration. In fact, dental implants can last you a lifetime without the need for any additional dental work or costs.

“All-on-4” Implants and Removable Dentures

All on 4 Dental Implants
This also sets “All-on-4” dental implants far apart from traditional removable dentures. The Sun City Grand residents who do wear dentures will tell you that they are forced to cover several repeat expenses, not least of all the need to have their dentures refitted every few years or so as a consequence of jawbone atrophy. Then there’s the cost of adhesives, anesthetic gels, overnight soaking solutions and other bits and bobs – all salt in the wound of the daily challenges, discomforts and embarrassments they are forced to endure.

But, this is all just an aside. The core focus of this five-part article series was to highlight the incredible differences between the “All-on-4” dental implant technique and its older predecessors. It’s not every day a sophisticated technology comes along that’s LESS EXPENSIVE than it’s older alternatives. This isn’t true of the “All-on-4.” With only four dental implants, one surgical appointment, one recovery and no bone grafting, this revolutionary procedure can easily save Sun City Grand residents up to $45,000 on the cost of beautiful new teeth.

Now just imagine what you’d do with that money!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Dental Implant News Scottsdale: Newer Procedure LESS Expensive Than Older Predecessors, PART 4

This five-part article series explains how the newer “All-on-4” dental implant protocol manages to vastly undercut the cost of more traditional techniques for full mouth reconstruction.

Overcoming the need for bone grafting surgery is a major benefit offered by “All-on-4” dental implants and it’s one of two reasons full mouth reconstruction (getting a brand new set of permanent teeth) is possible in just one surgical appointment!

Welcome to the fourth installment of this five-part article series on how the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol makes it possible for Scottsdale residents to save tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of new permanent teeth! We ended off Part 3 with the above-mentioned excerpt, which leads us into the second of two reasons it’s possible to get new teeth in just one day and the third way the “All-on-4” is thriftier than traditional dental implant techniques…

The “All-on-4” Saves Patients on the Cost of Surgery, Surgeon’s Time and Associated Resources

In Part 2, the very first “All-on-4” cost saving was explained and that was that the procedure only required four dental implants (per jaw) in order to provide Scottsdale residents with a complete set of teeth. What we didn’t mention at the time was that capability offers patients yet another benefit and another massive cost savings…

Traditional surgical protocols would typically require anywhere between 12 and 20 implants to provide patients with new teeth. However, in order to safely place this number of implants, Scottsdale dental implant surgeons would have to break the entire procedure down into a number of smaller and more manageable surgeries.

Can you imagine having 20 dental implants placed in a single sitting?

Not only would the risk of post-operative infection and implant failure be unacceptably high, but also recovery would be a monstrously painful affair. And so, patients signing up for traditional dental implant procedures would be required to undergo a series of surgeries – usually over the duration of 12 to 18 months - in which a smaller number of implants would be placed. The patient would then be required to recover and allow their jawbones to heal before the next set of implants could be placed.

One surgery on its own costs a lot of money, but that’s not the only expense faced by patients. With each surgery comes the need for additional X-rays, post-operative appointments and further treatment planning. In the end, it’s quite easy to see how the costs of traditional dental implant surgery stack up really quickly.

The “All-on-4” Difference: One Surgery, One Set of Expenses

With only four dental implants required to provide a patient with a new set of teeth, the “All-on-4” is easily done in a single surgical appointment: One treatment planning phase, one surgery, one recovery and one phase of follow-up consultations. Instead of covering the costs of multiple surgeries and all the associated bills that comes with, Scottsdale residents only have to do it all once AND – to boot – they get their
beautiful new teeth right away!

Stay Tuned for Part 5To find out the final way “All-on-4” dental implants can save Scottsdale residents tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of beautiful new teeth, stay tuned for the final installment of this five-part article series coming next week.

Friday, June 12, 2015

“All-on-4” Dental Implants: Newer Procedure LESS Expensive Than Older Predecessors, PART 3

This five-part article series explains how the newer “All-on-4” dental implant protocol manages to vastly undercut the cost of more traditional techniques for full mouth reconstruction.

All on 4 Dental Implants
 Previously, in many cases, patients would schedule an appointment with a dental implant surgeon desperate for an alternative solution after wearing partial or full removable dentures for many years. What they wouldn’t realize is – as a consequence of denture wearing - just how extensive the damage to their jawbone is and that this would typically require an additional surgery to correct before they can even be considered for implants.

Welcome to the third installment of this five-part article series on how the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol makes it possible for Sun City residents to save tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of a beautiful new set of permanent teeth! The opening paragraph is an excerpt from Part 2, which leads us nicely into the second way the “All-on-4” technique saves patients an incredible amount of money. Let’s jump right in…

The “All-on-4” Saves Patients on the Cost of Bone Grafting Surgery

One of the greatest problems associated with wearing dentures is jawbone atrophy. As we can see in the picture above, over time, the jawbone physically wastes away and this happens because the patient no longer has natural tooth roots to stimulate it and maintain its bulk and strength.

Few Sun City residents understand this very important fact when they have their failing dentition replaced with removable dentures, but your tooth roots play a fundamental role in keeping your jawbone healthy and strong. By transmitting the eating forces into the underlying bone, they help to keep it “exercised”. Bone tissue, just like muscle tissue, needs this stimulation to stay strong, or else it just becomes resorbed by the body in a process called “atrophy”.

This brings us to a crucial problem faced by patients and dental implant surgeons in Sun City:

As it was explained in the opening paragraph, in many cases, patients would have worn dentures for such a long period of time that their jawbones would have deteriorated too much for traditional dental implant procedures to be considered viable treatment options without first performing a bone grafting procedure. And so, the first step in treatment would involve a terribly invasive, painful and costly surgery and a lengthy recovery period before a patient could even begin thinking about getting dental implants.

Thankfully, this all changed with the advent of “All-on-4” dental implants, which was specifically developed by Dr. Paulo Malo and his team to overcome this hurdle in the treatment of edentulous (toothless) and near-edentulous patients.

The “All-on-4” Difference: Strategic Implant Layout Avoids Need for Bone Grafting

Sun City Dental Implant Surgeons
With the “All-on-4,” the layout of dental implants is carefully determined so as to maximize the support offered by the available jawbone volume, even in patients who have been wearing dentures for many, many years:

• Two implants are inserted in the front portion of the jaw, where the bone is more resistant to atrophy and is therefore typically bulkier.

• Another two implants are inserted at an angle towards the back of the jaw and this angulation provides them with greater stability and support.

Together, these four implants are almost always sufficient to provide a rigid platform to which a customized dental bridge can be attached.

What this means is that most denture-wearing Arizona residents can be considered candidates for “All-on-4” dental implants, which enables them to get a beautiful new set of teeth without the need for costly bone grafting surgery beforehand. This saves these people a lot of pain and many thousands of dollars! It also eliminates the several months of recovery that are needed before the implants can be placed.

Overcoming the need for bone grafting surgery is a major benefit offered by “All-on-4” dental implants and it’s one of two reasons full mouth reconstruction is possible in just one surgical appointment! We’ll explore the second reason in Part 4, coming next week…

Stay Tuned for Part 4

To find out how else “All-on-4” dental implants can save Sun City residents tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of beautiful new teeth, stay tuned for the fourth installment of this five-part article series coming next week.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dental Implant News Arizona: Newer Implant Protocol LESS Expensive Than Older Predecessors, PART 2

This five-part article series explains how the newer “All-on-4” dental implant protocol manages to vastly undercut the cost of more traditional techniques for full mouth reconstruction.

All on 4 dental implants
Welcome to the second installment of this five-part article series on how the revolutionary “All-on-4” dental implant protocol makes it possible for Arizona residents to save tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of new, permanent teeth!

Gum disease and tooth loss is a major problem that affects the majority of Americans over the age of 50, and countless others before. The traditional solution to tooth loss has been removable dentures, but dental implants are known to be far more sophisticated, comfortable, aesthetic and comfortable.

Historically, however, the cost of dental implants has greatly deterred Arizona residents from that visit to the cosmetic dentist’s office and while this may have been warranted before, it isn’t any longer with the availability of the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol!

As we explained in Part 1, the “All-on-4” is a revolutionary dental implant procedure that makes it possible for patients to get a beautiful new set of permanent teeth with just one surgical appointment with a specially trained Arizona dental implant dentist. The question we now want to answer is how this procedure saves patients such an incredible amount of money.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

The “All-on-4” Saves Patients on the Cost of Dental Implants

As the name suggests, the “All-on-4” dental implant technique only requires four dental implants per jaw to provide Arizona residents with a new implant-supported bridge, which looks and functions like a complete set of teeth. In the worst-case scenario of a patient requiring full mouth reconstruction, they’re looking at a maximum of eight dental implants.

Here’s the amazing difference: Traditional dental implant procedures could require as many as six, eight or even ten implants per jaw! So in the worst-case scenario, you’d be looking at having to cover the costs of as many as 20 dental implants, just to get a complete set of teeth again! And so, when you consider the cost of an individual implant, which is several thousand dollars, it’s very easy to understand why patients would rather opt to have dentures fitted, instead of fork out the money to undergo exorbitantly costly implant surgery.

Thankfully, the “All-on-4” secures Arizona residents much better and less risky surgical outcomes with fewer dental implants and already, a lesser cost. But, this is really only the tip of the iceberg as far as cost is concerned.

Previously, in many cases, patients would schedule an appointment with a dental implant surgeon desperate for an alternative solution after wearing partial or full removable dentures for many years. What they wouldn’t realize is – as a consequence of denture wearing - just how extensive the damage to their jawbone is and that this would typically require an additional surgery to correct before they can even be considered for implants… but we’ll explore this point in Part 3, coming next week!

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for the third installment of this five-part article series (coming next week) to find out how else “All-on-4” dental implants can save Arizona residents tens of thousands of dollars on the cost full mouth reconstruction.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dental Implant News Sun City: Newer Implant Protocol LESS Expensive Than Older Predecessors, PART 1

This five-part article series explains how the newer “All-on-4” dental implant protocol manages to vastly undercut the cost of more traditional techniques for full mouth reconstruction.

The introduction and subsequent refinement of a new dental implant protocol known as the “All-on-4” has revolutionized the field of full mouth reconstruction, not only for the implant surgeons who provide Sun City residents with new teeth, but also for the patients themselves! Thanks to the incredible features of this newer procedure, patients can get new teeth in one day, with only one surgery and at a cost that undercuts traditional dental implant protocols by tens of thousands of dollars.

In this five-part article series, we’ll be taking a closer look at the rationale behind the cost of dental implants, how the “All-on-4” works and how it manages to save patients such an incredible amount of money on the cost of new permanent teeth.

Primary Patient Concern: The Cost of Dental Implants

Dental Implants Sun City
Just ask any Sun City resident who needs a tooth, several teeth or even ALL of their natural teeth replaced: their greatest concern with undergoing a dental implant procedure is the size of the dent it’s going to leave in their bank account. Since the introduction of dental implants to the mainstream market many decades ago, they have been the more expensive of the teeth replacement options provided by cosmetic dentists in Arizona.

This is not only because the materials dental implants are made of cost more than those that go into the fabrication of conventional bridges and removable dentures, but also because their placement requires extensive treatment planning, surgery, many X-rays and a lot of expert’s time. And even though the outcomes of dental implant surgery are infinitely better than those provided by older teeth replacement technologies, many patients would turn down the chance to have permanent teeth again, simply because they felt they couldn’t cover the costs.

That all changed with the introduction of a new dental implant procedure in the early 1990’s…

A Little Bit About the “All-on-4”

After many years’ worth of hard toil, seemingly endless research and clinical trials, Dr. Paulo Malo and his team of clinicians finalized the design behind a dental implant protocol that would forever change the field of fixed oral rehabilitation. They called it the “All-on-4” and its features made it possible for specially trained Sun City dental implant surgeons to overcome the many challenges that faced the older implant techniques. It was these capabilities that made dental implant surgery:

• Much quicker
• Much safer
• Less painful
• Less expensive

How it works is simple (see diagram)…

All on 4 Dental Implants
Only four dental implants are gently inserted into predetermined sites in the jaw. These implants are used to provide a strong and sturdy platform for a custom-fabricated dental bridge, which looks, functions and feels like a complete set of natural teeth. The implants aren’t visible at all when a patient smiles: just the extremely life-like teeth, thereby providing patients with new, non-removable teeth with which they can eat, speak and smile with absolute confidence!

Understanding the basics of how the “All-on-4” works provides you, the reader, with the context you will need to appreciate how this protocol saves patients such an incredible amount of money. We’ll begin looking at that next week…

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out how “All-on-4” dental implants can save Sun City residents tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of beautiful new teeth, stay tuned for the second installment of this five-part article series coming next week.

Monday, June 1, 2015

A Specialist Presents 6 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About Gum Disease PART 2

This two-part article series presents some pretty scary facts about a common disease many Arizona residents have, but don’t even know it: gum disease.

Welcome to the second half of this two-part article series on gum disease and the six surprising facts many Arizona residents didn’t know about this prevalent ailment. In Part 1, the first three facts were discussed and they were:
Fact 1: According to the CDC, 80% of Americans present with some stage of gum disease, whether it’s gingivitis or full-blown periodontitis.

Fact 2: Gingivitis is the beginning stage of gum disease and is characterized by bad breath, inflamed and swollen gums and gums that bleed when brushed and flossed.

Fact 3: If you don’t go to your dentist for gum disease treatment, you WILL ultimately lose all of your natural teeth.

Let’s take a look at the final three facts about gum disease…

 Fact 4: Gum disease is often left untreated because it doesn’t typically cause patients any pain.

Most of the time, Arizona residents will wait out an illness, rather than spend any money seeing a doctor. However, the number one symptom that provokes patients to seek medical attention is pain and this is the problem with gum disease: it doesn’t usually cause any!

“Gum disease can cause your gums to be uncomfortable, to bleed easily and to feel a little tender when brushed, but this discomfort is rarely enough to compel patients to see the dentist for professional treatment,” says a gum disease specialist. “Without urgent symptoms from which patients need relief, gum disease can be left without treatment for many years, by which stage the damage can be irreparable.”
Remember, avoiding the doctor out of a concern for cost might work with the common cold, avoiding professional treatment for dental problems does not. You will only end up with more extensive damage and more expensive bills. 

Fact 5: Gum disease puts you at risk of a suite of serious illnesses, including heart, respiratory, liver and kidney disease.Your mouth is the portal through which your body receives it’s life-giving air and nutrition, so if it heavily diseased and infected, what do you think’s going to happen to the rest of your body?

“There is a great volume of scientific literature on the connection between oral health and general health and as far as gum disease is concerned, there are some greatly alarming truths for patients to come to terms with,” says a gum disease treatment expert. “For instance, patients with gum disease are at a far greater risk of developing diabetes and heart disease than those who have healthy gums. A greater prevalence of liver and kidney disease and respiratory disease are also linked with a chronically unhealthy mouth.”

So, neglecting to look after your teeth and gums isn’t only a death sentence for your smile, it could literally be a death sentence for you too!

Fact 6: Gum disease is easy to prevent, but it has devastating effects if left without treatment.

And so we can see from the fact that gum disease (1) shares a relationship with a host of potentially fatal systemic diseases and (2) can totally destroy your smile if left without treatment that this ailment is indeed truly devastating. The good news is it’s easily preventable and treatable. It’s only in cases of profound neglect and ignorance that gum disease is left to inflict the full caliber of damage it’s capable of.

So, be sure to brush and floss thoroughly every day and see your dentist and oral hygienist at least once every six months for a dental check-up and cleaning!

6 Shocking Facts You Didn’t Know About Gum Disease, PART 1

This two-part article series presents some pretty scary facts about a common disease many Arizona residents have, but don’t even know it: gum disease.

Chances are you’ve heard of gum disease, whether it’s from your dentist, the warnings on the back of a packet of cigarettes or from a friend or relative who’s received a diagnosis for it. And while you may be aware that gum disease makes your teeth rot, your breath smell and your smile look positively awful, most Arizona residents know little else about the disease that’s ravaging the state’s oral health.

That all changes in this two-part article series, in which an experienced gum disease specialist explains six really important facts we didn’t know – but should know – about gum disease. Let’s begin!

Fact # 1: 8 Out of 10 Arizona residents have gum disease

This may sound like an exaggeration - after all, you wouldn’t say the majority of the people you share your life with have rotten teeth! But according to the Center for Disease control, as much as 80% of the population suffers from some degree or stage of gum disease. This is a shocking statistic that really brings home how staggering our neglect for good oral hygiene and routine preventative care is.

“If your gums bleed when you brush or floss them and if they’re red and swollen, as opposed to pink and firm, then you may have gum disease,” explains a treatment specialist in Arizona. “You may not have full blown gum disease, but you may certainly be suffering from the beginning stages known as gingivitis. It’s not normal for gums to bleed when you brush or floss them: that’s a sign of infection.”

Fact # 2: Gingivitis marks the beginning stages of gum disease

Many toothpaste ads boast their ability to fight the germs that lead to gingivitis, so the word means something to most Arizona residents. But did you know that gingivitis is actually the beginning stages of gum disease and is marked by a bacterial infection of the gums surrounding the teeth?

“Gingivitis is an infection of the gums caused by prolific bacterial activity, which is typically brought on by a lack of oral hygiene and routine professional healthcare,” says a gum disease treatment expert. “Frequent and thorough brushing and flossing and twice-yearly visits to the dentist are crucial for preventing the progression of gingivitis to full-blown gum disease, at which stage it becomes known as periodontitis.”

Fact # 3: Gum disease can cause you to lose ALL of your teeth

Most Arizona resident who have lost all of their teeth and who now wear dentures, had to have their natural teeth extracted because they had gum disease, which they ignored for many years.

“This is not a condition that goes away on its own,” says a gum disease specialist. “You’ve got to receive professional care and you’ve got to change your oral hygiene habits and lifestyle.”

The message is simple: if you don’t receive prompt gum disease treatment, you WILL ultimately lose all of your teeth!

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out more shocking facts on gum disease, stay tuned for the second half of this four-part article series.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Dental Implant News for Phoenix: What Your Dentist Can Tell About Your General Health, PART 2

Welcome to the second half of this two-part article series on what dental implant surgeons in Phoenix can tell about your general health from the state of your teeth and gums. Previously, in Part 1 of the series, a condition known as “Bruxism” was explained to us. This condition is marked by teeth grinding and jaw clenching, particularly at night, and presents with advanced erosion and fracturing of the biting surfaces of the teeth.

What Bruxism may tell your dentist is that you lead a stressful lifestyle and/or struggle to cope with stress. The best solution to this condition is to have a custom mouth guard fitted, which you should wear to sleep at night or when you are most aware of grinding your teeth. This will help to prevent the terrible damage teeth grinding can do to your gnashers.

Let’s now take a look at a symptom that could indicate the presence or higher risk of a suite of really nasty diseases…

Swollen, Inflamed Gums

Healthy gums are pink in color and are firm to the touch. If yours look angry, inflamed, swollen and spongy, your health could be at serious risk.

“Gingivitis is the beginning stage of gum disease and it’s cause by a bacterial infection of the gums,” explain dental implant surgeons in Arizona. “This, in turn, is typically caused by poor oral hygiene, an unhealthy diet and by habits such as smoking and alcoholism.”

Left untreated, gingivitis can lead to advanced gum disease – periodontitis. And according to ample medical literature there is a very clear link between periodontitis and the following medical conditions…

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Respiratory disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Kidney and liver disease
  • Low birth weight and premature babies
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

This makes sense when you consider that everything that goes into your body – be it air, water or food – makes its way first through your mouth. Therefore, it stands to reason that if your mouth is severely infected with bacteria, your stomach, kidneys, liver and lungs will also all be constantly exposed to infection.

This is precisely why dental implant surgeons in Phoenix refer to gum disease as a systemic disease – it affects the body as a system and can put all of your major organs at risk.

Ulcers and Oral Sores

Mouth sores and small ulcers are perfectly normal – they happen, but it’s usually because you’ve accidentally bitten down on your inner cheek, lip or tongue. When these sores don’t go away for an extended period of time, or when they recur, it could be a sign of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is typically a sexually transmitted infection, or they could indicate oral cancer.

“If a dental healthcare professional spots any suspicious-looking sores, lesions or ulcers, he or she will perform a quick and painless biopsy and send the tissue off to a laboratory for closer inspection,” says a dental implant surgeon in Phoenix . “The treatment will depend on the outcomes of the test.”

A Final Note

The earlier you have an ailment diagnosed, the quicker it can be treated, which is why frequent dental appointments constitute such an important part of your lifelong general healthcare regime. Unbeknownst to many Phoenix residents, there is a whole lot the dentist can tell about your standard of health and quality of lifestyle just from the appearance of your teeth, gums and oral soft tissues.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Dental Implant News for Sun City: What Your Dentist Can Tell About Your General Health, PART 1

This two-part article series explains the signs and symptoms your mouth could exhibit when your body suffers from stress, illness or disease.

No one expects much to be revealed about their lifestyle, standard of living or general health when they go to the dentist for a standard check-up. But according to Sun City dental implants surgeons, the state of your teeth and gums tell dental healthcare professionals a whole lot about how healthy you are! Your mouth is your body’s more important ingress and so, it stands to reason that if your mouth is diseased, the rest of your body is far more susceptible to infection and disease, too.

In this two-part article series, we shall be exploring the link between our oral health and our general health and the many diseases and conditions an ailing mouth may indicate. By responding quickly to these signs, potentially fatal diseases can be diagnosed and treated in their beginning stages, thereby vastly improving your chances of a complete recovery.

Let’s begin…

Worn, Ground Down Teeth

Dental Implants Sun City
"Topviewtooth". Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

The picture shown above provides a bird’s eye view of a tooth that has been so eroded and ground down that the structure of the tooth beneath the dental enamel has been revealed. Here we can see the softer, yellow dentine and the pulp chamber, where the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels are contained. You can even see vertical cracks and fractures where the tooth structure has given in to stress.

“The incredible damage this patient has done to his or her teeth has resulted in the need for most of them to be extracted and replaced with implants,” says a Arizona dental implant surgeon. “The condition that can lead to this kind of damage is termed Bruxism and unless you are diagnosed and fitted with a mouth guard to wear at night or when you most often grind your teeth, you could completely destroy your dentition.”

What Does Bruxism Reveal About Your General Health?

The precise cause of teeth grinding and jaw clenching are not known, but these habits are believe to be associated with a stressful lifestyle and typically present in patients who are anxious and who struggle to cope with stress. As such, with only a brief examination of your teeth, dental implant surgeons in Sun City can tell just what kind of lifestyle it is you lead and how well you are coping with the levels of stress you experience on a daily basis.

Dental Implants Arizona

What’s unnerving about Bruxism is that it’s a condition that typically strikes at night whilst you’re asleep! How can you control this damage if you aren’t even conscious about doing it? You can’t control the compulsion to grind your teeth and clench your jaw, especially if it’s nocturnal. What you can do is have a retainer custom fitted, which you wear to bed every night. This will help to prevent the extensive damage Bruxism can do to the biting surfaces of your teeth.

Stay Tuned for Part 2

To find out more about what dental implant surgeons can tell about the general health of Arizona residents from the state of their mouths, stay tuned for the second half of this two-part article series.

Monday, March 23, 2015


This four-part article series presents 10 things every dentist would like their patients to know, from avoiding garlic before an appointment to the truth behind several myths and misconceptions about dental health.

Welcome to the second installment of this four-part article series on all the information tidbits every Sun City dentist wants their patients to know and appreciate. Previously, in Part 1 of the series, we covered the following two items:

# 1: Dental X-rays aren’t dangerous; they’re necessary.
# 2: Your smile (and therefore dental health) is one of the first things people notice about you.

Now, let’s move on to the next two items…

Item # 3: Your dentist won’t necessarily tell you that you have bad breath; you have to ask.

Blog 2-1

Many Sun City residents believe their dentist would tell them if their breath was bad and therefore, if they’ve come out of a dental appointment without being told, they’re in the clear. This isn’t always true…

“We won’t pointedly tell a patient that they have bad breath,” says one Sun City dentistry professional. “What we will do is highlight the presence of any tooth decay and/or gum problems and we may encourage you to brush and floss more frequently and thoroughly. If we find your oral hygiene to leave much to be desired, then you can probably assume you suffer from halitosis.

“If, however, a patient asks us about the quality of his or her breath, we will be honest. We just don’t want anyone to assume that we would tell him or her that their breath smells bad, because we try to keep things professional in the office. Plus, you’d be surprised how much offense some people can take. The last thing we want to do is embarrass our patients, because it could deter them from future dental appointments. This would prove to be a major problem for their dental health, because routine preventative care is necessary.”

Item # 4: What might look good on your favorite celebrity smile might not suit you.

Blog 2-2

“We get a lot of patients coming in with a picture of their favorite celebrity, asking to get their teeth done to look just like them,” says a Sun City dentist. “First of all, what these patients fail to take into account is that their face shape and proportions might not necessarily suit the set of teeth belonging to that particular celebrity. There are a great number of considerations that need to be made before we can simply design a patient a new set of teeth: either through porcelain veneers, crowns or even dental implants.

“Secondly, the dentist’s office doesn’t work like a hair salon and while your hair will grow back and color will fade, the work we do on your teeth is permanent. A lot of careful planning and work goes into designing a patient a beautiful new smile, so please manage your expectations. You may walk out of our office with gorgeous teeth, but don’t expect to walk out looking just like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt.”

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series to find out more important facts our Sun City dentistry professionals wish we all knew.