There are numerous possible reasons why your tooth may be lost. For instance, negligence toward taking care of your oral health, decay of a tooth; and sometimes as a result of an accident or falling down; or even the side effect of medication in some cases can result in tooth loss. Undoubtedly no one likes to lose a tooth, but, having lost one, you would certainly look to replace your missing teeth with dental implants. Getting dental implants is equally as important as taking care of them post the implant surgery.
Sun City dental implants are being considered by an increasing number of patients as a great alternative to dentures and bridges, and once placed they are expected to last for a longer duration of time under proper care and maintenance. There are certain factors that contribute to the healthy state of your implants and make them last throughout their lifespan.
Useful advice by your Sun City dental surgeon for ensuring that an implant process is a success:
Listed below are the factors that can help keep your implants in a good state.

Patience: Once the implant has been inserted, there will be a period of time before the crown is attached to the abutment in most cases. This is necessary for the process of osseointegration (bonding) to take place. Thus, at this point in time, the implant is not as strong and you are required to take care while eating so that no strain is put on the implants. You have to show a lot of patience and eat soft foods and intake liquid foods for a short time after the procedure.
Once you get your implants and the bonding process is complete, you might tend to return to your previous smoking and drinking habits, however, you must remember that even though the dental implants may not be at immediate risk, these factors will still contribute to poorer oral health and may even therefore affect the longevity of your implants.