Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dental Implant News Arizona: Newer Implant Protocol LESS Expensive Than Older Predecessors, PART 2

This five-part article series explains how the newer “All-on-4” dental implant protocol manages to vastly undercut the cost of more traditional techniques for full mouth reconstruction.

All on 4 dental implants
Welcome to the second installment of this five-part article series on how the revolutionary “All-on-4” dental implant protocol makes it possible for Arizona residents to save tens of thousands of dollars on the cost of new, permanent teeth!

Gum disease and tooth loss is a major problem that affects the majority of Americans over the age of 50, and countless others before. The traditional solution to tooth loss has been removable dentures, but dental implants are known to be far more sophisticated, comfortable, aesthetic and comfortable.

Historically, however, the cost of dental implants has greatly deterred Arizona residents from that visit to the cosmetic dentist’s office and while this may have been warranted before, it isn’t any longer with the availability of the “All-on-4” dental implant protocol!

As we explained in Part 1, the “All-on-4” is a revolutionary dental implant procedure that makes it possible for patients to get a beautiful new set of permanent teeth with just one surgical appointment with a specially trained Arizona dental implant dentist. The question we now want to answer is how this procedure saves patients such an incredible amount of money.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

The “All-on-4” Saves Patients on the Cost of Dental Implants

As the name suggests, the “All-on-4” dental implant technique only requires four dental implants per jaw to provide Arizona residents with a new implant-supported bridge, which looks and functions like a complete set of teeth. In the worst-case scenario of a patient requiring full mouth reconstruction, they’re looking at a maximum of eight dental implants.

Here’s the amazing difference: Traditional dental implant procedures could require as many as six, eight or even ten implants per jaw! So in the worst-case scenario, you’d be looking at having to cover the costs of as many as 20 dental implants, just to get a complete set of teeth again! And so, when you consider the cost of an individual implant, which is several thousand dollars, it’s very easy to understand why patients would rather opt to have dentures fitted, instead of fork out the money to undergo exorbitantly costly implant surgery.

Thankfully, the “All-on-4” secures Arizona residents much better and less risky surgical outcomes with fewer dental implants and already, a lesser cost. But, this is really only the tip of the iceberg as far as cost is concerned.

Previously, in many cases, patients would schedule an appointment with a dental implant surgeon desperate for an alternative solution after wearing partial or full removable dentures for many years. What they wouldn’t realize is – as a consequence of denture wearing - just how extensive the damage to their jawbone is and that this would typically require an additional surgery to correct before they can even be considered for implants… but we’ll explore this point in Part 3, coming next week!

Stay Tuned for Part 3

Stay tuned for the third installment of this five-part article series (coming next week) to find out how else “All-on-4” dental implants can save Arizona residents tens of thousands of dollars on the cost full mouth reconstruction.

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