Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ways to Help Avoid Tooth Loss

Tooth Loss can be associated as something that just happens with age, but there are other contributing factors as well. Lack of care or trauma related accidents can result in tooth loss. Some of these cannot be controlled; however there are certain steps that everyone can control to reduce the probability of becoming all gums and no bones.

Watch what you eat

Research has shown that there is a significant link between people who have diabetes and tooth loss.  It is theorized that high blood sugar disrupts the delivery of nutrients and waste removal which over time will result in tooth loss.  Everything in the human body is related so staying a healthy weight can help protect your teeth.  The next time you consider ‘oh just one more donut’ think again.

Dentistry required

Some of the most common reasons for tooth loss are results of the simplest mistakes.  A large percentage of people who experience tooth loss had just never received proper professional maintenance.  Without proper insurance this can be a bit harder to maintain, but otherwise there is no good excuse not to let the dentist help you.

Keeping the recommended two appointments a year with a dental provider can greatly reduce the risk of future tooth loss and other dental problems.


Another easy step within everyone’s control is to brush those pearly whites.  More than half the patients suffering from tooth loss reported to never or only occasionally brushing their teeth.

Not only is this the easiest solution to the problem, but I’m sure other people will appreciate minty breath verses what you ate for breakfast all week.  If brushing isn’t a habit now then it will require some effort up front, but soon it will become like riding a bike, natural.

Cosmetic Dentistry, AZ

If all else fails there are great dentists who offer dental procedures like dental implants.  Cosmetic dentistry is a solution to tooth loss that no one will even notice.

Overall the steps to preventing tooth loss are simple and not very hard to remember. Why not keep flashing that smile for many more years.

Contact Dr. Kevin Gasser
Gasser Dental Implant Center is located in Sun City, Arizona, just east of Boswell Hospital.
Kevin L. Gasser, D.D.S.
13000 N. 103rd Avenue, Ste. 76,
Sun City, AZ 85351
Phone: (623) 972-8217
Fax: (623) 972-1406

Monday, July 28, 2014

Tobacco and the Negative Effects on Teeth

Tobacco has been proven as a cancer causing substance that ruins just about everything including oral hygiene. This article discusses those negative consequences to smoker’s mouths.
We’ve all heard it before, “Smoking is bad for you” but exactly how bad is bad?  Most people know that it causes cancer and hurts the lungs.  What these people overlook is the consequences to their oral hygiene that leave them running for a cosmetic dentist in Arizona.


Although gum disease can develop for many other reasons, smoking is related to at least half of the documented cases.  Gum disease causes inflammation to the gums and proceeds down into the root of the bones.

Eventually the bone will start to deteriorate and the teeth will fall out and at that point you’ll need to find a cosmetic dentist in Arizona to fix the problem.  One of the most popular solutions is dental implants, but smoking isn’t allowed in order to keep the implants healthy so eventually you will have to quit or develop more problems.

Oral Cancer

It’s true; you can get cancer in your mouth.  This type of cancer doesn’t get much publicity like breast cancer, but it has a higher kill rate at almost half.  Unless you are a tobacco user it is exceptionally rare that oral cancer will ever develop.

This means that oral cancer 9 out of 10 times is caused by tobacco. The longer a person has been smoking or chewing the greater their risk will be.  So if you’re planning on quitting don’t wait.


It can’t be promised that if a person doesn’t smoke or stops using tobacco that they won’t develop these problems.  There is just a significantly higher risk for tobacco users than those who don’t. It’s not just smoking anymore. All tobacco is harmful including chew and inhaling second hand smoke unfortunately.

The best ways to combat these diseases is to quit smoking, brush your teeth regularly, and visit the dentist on a routine basis.  Stopping tobacco products will instantly lower the chances of developing oral cancer.

Once your teeth are free of regular tobacco use they’ll still be yellow for a while or forever, but the chances to create a healthy oral environment increase. Gum disease is less likely as long as healthy brushing and flossing habits have been established.

Your dentist will be you’re greatest weapon in restoring a healthy mouth.  Routine cleanings will clear out the plague buildup and they will be able to help reverse all of the damage already done so that Phoenix doesn’t have an increase in dental implants. Making healthy choices should be at the top of everyone’s to do list and the use of tobacco is not on that list.  Despite all of the consequences that come along with its use people still continue to smoke.  Hopefully with all of the knowledge that is out there those individuals can take certain steps to reduce their risk. And to those of you who’ve quit, congratulations.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Brushing Your Teeth the Correct Way part 2

The average person does not brush their teeth to the full extent that they should. This article seeks to inform those people of the proper techniques for brushing.

Growing up children learn a hundred different ways to brush their teeth.  Everything from brushing hard three times a day to brushing for as long as your favorite song.  Most of the tricks we learned as children are wrong and some may cause more harm than good. Not brushing the right way has negative effects like teeth loss where you’ll need cosmetic dentistry in Arizona to correct your smile.

Length and Quantity

Most of us know that we should brush our teeth at least twice a day maybe a third time if they feel extra icky.  If you’ve been following this rule then you’re off to a good start.  The next thing to focus on is how long to brush.

Usually people exaggerate how long they bush their teeth or simply think it is longer than how long they truly do brush.  A minute suffices, but length is relative to how good of a job you’ve done.  It’s like writing a term paper without page requirements where they say to write until your point has been made.  Brush your teeth until you’re positive that everywhere got clean.

Cleaning System

This is where it gets challenging.  Everything from rotation, angles, and being thorough can affect whether the teeth are truly clean or not.  First this back and forth motion that almost everyone is use to, it isn’t useless but that isn’t the recommended way.

Those lovely motorized brushes have it right with the circular spinning.  The circular motion is what will lift the plague and buildup off your teeth and cover more areas at the same time.  Another thing to remember is to hold the brush at an angle as if to clean underneath the gums.

The gums is where a lot of the bacteria will build up and can cause gum disease if not properly cleaned.  This leads to bone deterioration and cause increase the need for dental implants in Glendale, AZ. Also using a rough toothbrush or applying too much pressure can irritate the gums which is just as bad for them.

Be Precise

Most doctors recommend brushing in an order so as not to forget a section of your mouth.  Start with one side and work your way over before cleaning your tongue or getting sidetracked. As Americans most people use a larger quantity of toothpaste then necessary. This won’t negatively affect your oral hygiene, but it’s wasteful and why not help out planet earth.

Bacteria Be Gone

One of the most common mistakes is changing out the brush or brush head often enough.  A lot of us are guilty of keeping a toothbrush around even though the gap between the two sides of the bristles is wider than the Grand Canyon.  That brush is not doing you any favors and has more bacteria built up on it than people realize.  It is recommended to change out every three months or so.

If all of this is too much to remember then investing in an electric toothbrush will cut out half of the brainpower. You won’t have to remember how hard to brush or the circular motion.  They allow you to just angle the brush and remember to clean everywhere.  Good luck keeping that mouth healthy and happy – you can also always consider Cosmetic Dentistry Arizona to further improve your smile.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Brushing Your Teeth the Correct Way

This article will discuss the differences between dental implants and dentures.

For a long time now dentures have provided the best and perhaps only solution to tooth loss.  With technological advancements it is no longer the only option.  Dental implants have gotten a lot of attention lately and will continue to do so.
So how do you choose what the best option for you is?  Comparing the pros and cons side by side is the easiest way to weigh those options and choose.

Long Lasting

One of the first factors to consider is how long you will need the replacements.  It you are younger or middle aged then there is a good chance you’re going to need something that will last as long as teeth normally do.

Dental implants are proven to last a lifetime in most cases.  With the proper care they last as long as a set of normal teeth.  Dentures however do not last as long.  Dentures usually get replaced every five to eight years and that it with the extra proper care.


A major concern for some people is how secure the option is within their mouth.  If eating all of the same foods without having to worry about the replacements falling out then you want dental implants.

Implants are secured down into the jaw bone making the replacement just as strong as natural teeth and allowing for optimal food enjoyment. Dentures are placed into the mouth and can be secured down with adhesives like paste or wafers.  These options however don’t always hold when chewing and may taste bad.


Dentures don’t prevent all of the cosmetic and medical problems that occur with tooth loss.  Jaw disfigurement and bone recession are two of the largest concerns for people without teeth.  Wearing dentures doesn’t inhibit these problems and adds the inconvenience of sores and inflammation in the mouth
Dental Implants are a solution to the above problems.  In the long run the cost of dental implants might out weight the cost associated with fixing or managing jaw recession.  Other than the one short surgery and mostly painless recover there are no other problems associated with dental implants.


Cost will vary depending on the dentist and location.  In Arizona dentures are much cheaper than dental implants like most of the country.  The price varies upon the quality of the dentures but most of them cause the same problems.  Keep in mind that this is a cost of upkeep for every 5 to 8 years.

Dental implants are more expensive mostly because of the surgery required and the quality of work. Another factor to consider is that most insurance companies don’t cover implants the majority of the time, but it’s always worth checking in to.  Implants are usually a one-time cost and usually don’t require replacements. There is always a lot to consider when making a choice about your health and hopefully there is enough information out there to help you make that lifelong decision.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why Flossing is Important

Everyone has heard before from their dentist how important it is to floss. This article seeks to inform people of the different reasons why and what to expect from flossing. It will certainly help you spend less time at the Sun City Dentist trying to deal with tooth decay.
Every year, twice a year, people hear how important it is to floss from their dentists.  Most of the time dentists don’t even elaborate as to why we should floss.  No matter how much we’d all like them to be wrong, flossing is a big preventative step to dealing with common oral diseases.

Flossing Deters

Just like brushing, flossing is a preventive measure to insure good oral health.  Not only does bacteria and plaque buildup on teeth, but there is plenty that gets stuck between them as well.

This is the plaque to worry about.  Without frequent flossing the plaque sticks around and continues to build.  This leads to cavities and gum disease.  Cavities require drilling and fillings, but gum disease requires much more.

Gum disease causes painful inflammation and if not dealt with quickly can spread deep down into the bone root causing deterioration.  Once the tooth is lost the easiest solution to regaining your smile and jaw function is teeth implants.


Flossing helps keep that youthful look in a quality smile.  By preventing gum disease it increases the aesthetics of your smile for a longer duration.  Although the gratification of flossing isn’t instantaneous you will notice a difference in the long run. The best way to floss is by wrapping the floss around each tooth and flossing in an up and down motion between each tooth. You may find that your gums are sore at first but with a daily routine, the inflammation will subside along with the soreness.

Things to expect

Just like any other habit it takes time to get use to flossing on a daily basis.  If you have to put a sticky note on your toothpaste every day to remind yourself then do it. A little bit of blood at first is normal because the gums are irritated from the plaque.  However if it doesn’t subside in a few days make an appointment with your Sun City dentist. Everyone should be flossing their teeth daily for the same reasons they brush them.  Not only does it keep your oral hygiene good, but it keeps you smiling and looking younger for longer.