Wednesday, November 28, 2012

9 Tips from Sun City Dental Professionals: Treating and Managing Bad Breath, PART 3

This three-part article series provides 9 tips for getting rid of halitosis (bad breath) and treating the root cause of it altogether.

We all, at some stage during the day, suffer from bad breath. Our mouths are receptacles for food, they’re constantly wet and they are teeming with bacteria, say Sun City dental experts. It’s hardly any surprise then is it? Bad breath is caused by a whole host of factors. Some are ‘innocent’ and short term and are caused by eating pungent foods, such as garlic, raw onion and anchovies. Others are not quite so innocent and can lead to chronic long-term problems, explain Sun City dental professionals. These include smoking, poor oral hygiene, bacterial infection and alcoholism.

In this article post, the final installment of a three-part series, we shall present the four remaining bits of advice on busting bad breath before providing a summary of all nine tips.

Top Tips from Sun City Dental Experts on Combating Bad Breath, Continued

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Sun City Dental Tip # 6: Chew Gum Instead of After-Dinner Mints

Many people pop mints after a meal to get rid of the smell and aftertaste of food residues. Unfortunately, if you wanted to get your mouth cleaner, you are achieving quite the opposite, explain Sun City dental experts. Sugar-rich candies encourage bacteria to proliferate, which exacerbates bad breath. Have you noticed how sour your mouth tastes five minutes after chewing a mint? The best after-dinner remedy is to either brush your teeth, or to chew sugar-free gum. This encourages the production of saliva, which is your body’s natural defense against the bacteria and plaque acids that cause bad breath and, of course, tooth decay, explain Sun City dental experts. Some chewing gum brands also include xylitol, which helps to remineralize your dental enamel after an acidic meal. If you can’t find these, however, at least opt for sugar-free.

Sun City Dental Tip # 7: Look After Your Gums

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The focus on oral health tends to shine on the care of your teeth, but your gums are just as important. Conditions, such as gingivitis and periodontal (gum) disease are extremely common causes of halitosis or bad breath, explain Sun City dental professionals. Bacteria collect in deep pockets beneath the gums and their foul-smelling wastes are allowed to accumulate unchecked. These conditions need to be treated by Sun City dental specialists.

Sun City Dental Tip # 8: Be on the Lookout for Dry Mouth

It has already been explained that your saliva plays an integral role in the maintenance of good oral health. Conditions such as xerostomia or ‘dry mouth’ therefore promote bad breath and tooth decay. Always keep a bottle of water on hand throughout the day; never allow yourself to go thirsty, advises the Sun City dentist. Avoid habits such as smoking and hard drinking; they are the two top causes of xerostomia. Certain medications can also dry your mouth out, so speak to your dentist or doctor if you experience this side effect.

Sun City Dental Tip # 9: Book an Appointment with the Doctor

Last but not least, if you have tried all the above-mentioned tips and if, despite a proper home oral hygiene routine, you still suffer from chronic bad breath, book yourself an appointment with the doctor. Bad breath is not always caused by oral bacteria and can actually have a far more sinister source, say Sun City dental experts. Some of the medical conditions that can cause bad breath include a postnasal drip, sinus infection, lung infection, kidney and liver disease and diabetes.

All 9 Tips Wrapped Up…

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Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 1: Brush and Floss More Regularly
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 2: Use a Tongue Scraper
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 3: Avoid Pungent Foods that Cling to Your Breath
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 4: Quit Smoking
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 5: Use an Anti-Bacterial Mouthwash
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 6: Chew Gum Instead of After-Dinner Mints
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 7: Look After Your Gums
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 8: Be on the Lookout for Dry Mouth
Sun City Dentist’s Tip # 9: Book an Appointment with the Doctor

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