Sunday, May 27, 2012

All on 4 Dental Implants in Scottsdale: Defy Age with a Smile Make-Over!

"This article describes the procedure behind the sophisticated All-on-4dental implant protocol for the treatment of edentulous and near-edentulouspatients."

Dental Implants ScottsdaleAllon 4 dental implants in Scottsdale are a revolutionary concept in fixed oralrehabilitation that enables a qualified and skilled implant dentist, such as Dr Kevin Gasser in Arizona, to give you,the patient, an entire set of beautiful, non-removable (fixed) and immediatelyfunctional teeth. The best part is that All on 4 dental implants in Scottsdalealmost always makes this incredible feat possible in as little as a single day!Periodontal (gum) disease is a pervasive problem that affects, in some form orstage, a staggering 80% of all Americans.

Accordingto the Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, by the age of 65 a massive30% of us will not have a single original adult tooth left due to the ravagesof this disease. So, with these statistics in mind, there are literallymillions of people desperately in need of complete oral rehabilitation, but whohave thus far been making do with older technologies, such as removabledentures or false teeth. All on 4 dental implants in Scottsdale make itpossible for Dr Kevin Gasser in Arizona to use only four dental implants tooffer patients a comprehensive solution to rampant tooth loss andtoothlessness. And this solution is onethat far surpasses any benefits previously afforded by traditional toothreplacement techniques. Here’s how All on 4 dental implants in Scottsdale work…

TheProcedure behind All on 4 Dental Implants in Scottsdale

Dr Kevin Gasser Arizona
Allon 4 dental implants in Scottsdale, as the name suggests, involves the surgicalplacement of only four dental implants in regions of the jaw where therenaturally exists a greater volume of bone tissue. The anterior (front) portionof the jaw will usually contain enough bone volume to support dental implantsin Scottsdale because it is more resistant to atrophy, explains Dr Kevin Gasserin Arizona. And this is a problem that arises in cases of acute and chronicperiodontal disease. The more posterior dental implants (see picture above) are strategically inserted at an angle so as toallow for ample support for a fixed bridge while avoiding damage to the nervecanal in the lower jaw and the sinus cavity in the upper jaw. Once the surgicalphase of All on 4 dental implants in Scottsdale has been drawn to a close, DrKevin Gasser in Arizona will affix a fully customized prosthetic dental bridgeto the abutments or collars of the four dental implants, which can usually be accomplishedthat very same day. This prosthesis is expertly fabricated from molds that havebeen taken of a patient’s teeth and gums during a prior appointment.

AFinal Note on All on 4 Dental Implants in Scottsdale

Notonly does this innovative procedure give patients new teeth that function andfeel just like a full set of healthy and natural teeth, but the overall resultsare truly age-defying! With All on 4 dental implants in Scottsdale, the challenges and repeated costs associated withremovable dentures are truly over and patients are free to enjoy a much higherquality of life complete with a confident and beautiful smile!

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