Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Titanium Success of Tooth Implants

This article explains the choice of titanium metal in the construction of dental implants.

With a 98% success rate and benefits and advantages that eclipse those offered by traditional dental technologies, tooth implants are the number one choice of Sun City dentists. The concept behind tooth implants is one that has been around for thousands of years, with ancient civilizations making use of rudimentary materials such as bone, sea shell, ivory and even precious metals to replace missing teeth. However, these served more as an aesthetic solution and perhaps even a crudely functional one. Prior to the innovation of tooth implants as we know them today, dentists experimented with all sorts of metals and materials, trying to find one that could remain permanently embedded in the jaw bone. It was then in 1951 that, through an experiment with titanium and rabbit bone, Per-Ingvar Brånemark, a Swedish orthopedic surgeon, accidentally discovered the secret to tooth implant success…

Tooth Implants: About Titanium Metal

Tooth implants

In 1951, Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark found, quite by accident, that titanium metal is biologically compatible with bone tissue. Left to heal, bone will actually grow around and fuse with titanium, unlike other metals and materials that are simply rejected and expelled by the body. For the first time, Sun City dentists were looking at the possibility of designing a tooth implant that could remain permanently in the jaw. The discovery of the process termed ‘osseointegration’ not only made dental implantology a possibility; it also opened up the field of orthopedic surgery dedicated to the repair and replacement of bones and joints in the body!

Osseointegration is the real key behind the success of titanium metal as the material from which tooth implants are made. But, without its many other important characteristics, dental implantology just wouldn’t be where it is today. Titanium metal is the perfect material for the fabrication of tooth implants for many reasons:

  • It is strong and lightweight: Titanium boasts the highest strength-to-weight ratio of all the metals on the periodic table. In fact, it’s so strong and so lightweight that it is used in the construction of space craft and professional tennis racquets! Its strength enables titanium to support a strong and natural bite for decades without buckling, warping or breaking, say Sun City dentists.

  • It is non-corrosive: Titanium metal doesn’t rust or corrode over time. This is exceptionally important because not only is the mouth a constantly wet environment, it’s acidic too. The ability of titanium to last many decades in the mouth enables it to work as a fantastic tooth replacement material.

  • Stable and non-toxic: Titanium metal is also entirely safe to use in the fabrication of tooth implants, say Sun City dentists. Other metals, such as lead and mercury, are highly toxic. Titanium doesn’t degrade or change over time and it won’t in any way negatively affect the health of the patient.

Sun City dentist

Sun City Dentists: Titanium for Modern Tooth Implants

All of these characteristics, together with the bio-compatibility of titanium, make titanium the perfect material for the fabrication of tooth implants, say Sun City dentists. With the strength and longevity of this metal, patients can benefit from a durable, resilient and long-lasting replacement for single and multiple missing teeth.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Say “no” to Removable Dentures and Hello to a Hassle-Free Future with Teeth Implants

This article compares the oral rehabilitation solutions offered by dental implants and removable dentures.

Removable dentures, or false teeth, are bulky plastic teeth reconstructions that rest upon the jaw bone ridge in the mouth. They are custom fit by the Sun City dentist to provide patients with replacement teeth that look and function like a complete set of natural teeth. Unfortunately, however, dentures come with several challenges that can make them an utter misery to live with. Teeth implants, on the other hand, can be used to support a fully customized prosthetic dental bridge that is much slimmer in construction than dentures. This bridge is also fixed in the mouth and non-removable, negating much of the trouble patients typically experience with dentures. So, if you are edentulous (don’t have a single original adult tooth left) or are facing an immediate future of edentulism, you may want to think twice about having removable dentures fitted. Teeth implants-supported bridges are the way to go, say qualified and experienced Sun City dentists!

Teeth implants

The Benefits of Teeth Implants

As it was explained, removable dentures are bulky and rely upon (1) their mass and (2) the soft tissue-covered jaw bone ridge for support. This causes patients a whole host of problems, explains the Sun City dentist. Dentures rub against and transmit the forces associated with eating into the underlying gum tissue. This causes pain, discomfort, inflammation and the development of sores that don’t get much of a chance to heal. Denture-wearers frequently need to invest in anesthetic gels to help numb the pain caused by their false teeth.

Teeth implants, on the other hand, are placed directly in the jaw bone and therefore transmit all the forces associated with eating into this hard tissue, as is the case with natural teeth. Teeth implants don’t cause any pain or discomfort in the mouth and don’t necessitate the use of anesthetic gels. Other benefits of teeth implants include:

  • Comfort: They provide full support for a dental bridge, which, unlike dentures (which rely on their bulk for support) is slim in construction. Teeth implants, therefore, don’t trigger the gag reflex or impede taste ability or sensation. They also feel like natural teeth and not like a foreign object in the mouth.
  • Functionality: Dentures only allow for a bite force of 50 pounds per square inch and this greatly reduces a patient’s ability to manage tougher, more fibrous and crunchy foods. After 15 years of denture-wearing, says the Sun City dentist, patients can only bite down with a force of 6 pounds per square inch, which is a 97% reduction in functionality! Teeth implants promote a healthy and strong bite of almost 200 pounds per square inch, enabling patients to eat all the foods they love and need to remain healthy.
  • Aesthetics: Teeth implants support a bridge that is expertly fabricated by the Sun City dentist to be virtually indistinguishable from a full set of natural healthy teeth. The ceramic material from which the crowns are made actually mimics the optical properties of real dental enamel! The bridge supported by teeth implants is not bulky and therefore doesn’t push on the lips from inside the mouth, making them appear thin, stretched and aged. Teeth implants also support jaw bone health and, in the long term, preserve a patient’s youthful facial contours.

Sun City dentist

A Final Note on Dentures and Teeth Implants

Teeth implants offer a far superior solution to edentulism and near-edentulism than removable dentures. In the long term, they work out to be far more cost effective too. Don’t waste time, your youthful face and quality of life on an archaic teeth replacement solution, stress Sun City dentists. Teeth implants are the way to go!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Story Behind the Development of Dental Implants in Chandler

This article follows the development of ideas and the various discoveries that contributed to the flourishing of modern dental implant science.

Dental implants in Chandler are, today, the most comprehensive and sophisticated technology for the replacement of single and multiple missing teeth. In fact, state-of-the-art medical procedures enable qualified and experienced implant dentists to provide patients who have lost all of their teeth with a complete set of new, non-removable and immediately functional teeth in as little as a single day, with a single surgery. This is thanks to dental implants in Chandler and the sophisticated surgical protocol used to place them. While modern dental implants as we know them were innovated in the 1960’s, the concept behind teeth replacement has been around for thousands of years! A glimpse into the history of dental implants in Chandler reveals them to date as far back as 3,000 BC.

Dental Implants in Chandler and their Ancient Counterparts

Dental Implants Chandler

Archaeological evidence shows that the Ancient Egyptians, depending upon their class status, would carve bone and sea shell into rudimentary dental implants. Upper class Egyptians could afford more expensive materials, such as ivory, precious gems and gold. But they weren’t the only civilization that sought to replace missing teeth with something aesthetic and probably even a little functional. The ancient Romans use of iron implants and the remains of a female Mayan skull dating back to 600 AD indicated that seashell was the material of choice when it came to replacing missing teeth. Of course, modern dental implants in Chandler have come a long, long way since then!

Modern Dental Implants in Chandler: The Discovery of Osseointegration

Dental implants

Fast-forwarding our history lesson to the 1900’s…

Dentists were desperately trying to develop a tooth replacement technology that not only looked and worked like natural teeth, but that could remain permanently ‘rooted’ in the jaw. Unfortunately, all the materials they tried to work with were rejected by the jaw bone and would subsequently become loose and fall out. This all changed in 1951 with the discovery of ‘osseointegration’ by Swedish professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark. The miracle material is titanium metal and it alone is able to biologically bond with jaw bone. Even better, this metal is exceptionally strong, lightweight, non-toxic and non-corrosive. The discovery of titanium’s ability to form a strong biological bond with bone was what led to the conception of dental implants in Chandler. It also, interestingly enough, opened the field of orthopedic surgery concerned with repairing and replacing joints and bones in the body.

Modern Dental Implants in Chandler

Since the fundamental discovery of osseointegration in 1951, the science and technology behind dental implants in Chandler has literally exploded across the globe. Modern dental implants in Chandler and the surgical protocol used to place them in patients’ jaws offer comprehensive and sophisticated solutions to missing teeth. Solutions that are virtually indistinguishable – in aesthetics and functionality – from any natural healthy tooth and that can last many decades! In fact, so sophisticated is the technology behind modern dental implants in Chandler that edentulous (not having a single original adult tooth left) and near-edentulous patients can receive a brand new set of teeth in as little as a single day, returning to work the very next morning.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Detailed Definition of Dental Implants in Arizona

This article provides an introduction to dental implant technology by discussing what these teeth replacement devices are, how they work and what the historical discovery that made the entire field of implantology a possibility was.

Your pearly whites are by no means invulnerable. They can get knocked out accidently or sustain irreparable damage and/or decay for any of a number of reasons, necessitating dental implants in Arizona. While we tend to take our teeth for granted, especially in our youth, the reality is that most of us will at some stage during our life lose one or more of our teeth. In fact, as many as 30% of us will lose all of our teeth before we’re 70 years old!

Dental implants Arizona

Over 20 million Americans are completely edentulous (don’t have any teeth left), according to the American Dental Association. A further 100 million people have lost between 11 and 15 of their natural adult teeth. You may think that a complete set of teeth is the norm, but the older you get, the rarer and rarer this gift becomes! Thankfully, incredible advances in dental technology and medical science have made it possible for patients presenting with one, two or even all of their teeth missing to receive a sophisticated, functional and highly aesthetic tooth replacement. And this technology is dental implants in Arizona.

What are Dental Implants in Arizona?

Dental implants in Arizona are incredibly strong devices used to replace missing teeth. They are free-standing artificial tooth roots constructed from the exceptionally strong and non-corrosive metal, titanium. This metal fixture or screw is surgically placed in the sterilized and prepared socket/s left bare by the missing tooth or teeth. Once the base components of dental implants in Arizona have been placed, the dentist will affix an abutment to it, which in turn is used to support a ceramic tooth crown (in the case of single missing teeth) or a prosthetic dental bridge (in the case of multiple missing teeth). Over the course of the months following surgery, dental implants in Arizona undergo a very special process known as ‘osseointegration’.

Osseointegration: The Secret Behind the Success of Dental Implants in Arizona

Dental implants

In 1951, Swedish professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark (see image above) made the discovery that essentially led to the conception of the fields of orthopedic surgery and dental implantology. It was the unique ability of titanium metal to form a strong biological bond with bone tissue that turned the concept of permanent and non-removable dental implants in Arizona from theory to reality. Subsequent development and clinical trials have directed the evolution of dental implants in Arizona. Today, they are the most comprehensive and sophisticated functional and aesthetic solution to single and multiple missing teeth.

The incredible advantages of dental implants in Arizona are owed largely to osseointegration: the phenomenon Per-Ingvar Brånemark discovered back in 1951. This process essentially enables dental implants in Arizona, with healing, to become permanently ‘rooted’ in the jaw bone, just like natural teeth:

1. Dental implants transmit the forces associated with eating directly into the underlying jaw bone, keeping it stimulated and therefore, alive and healthy.

2. Dental implants in Arizona provide strong support for an artificial tooth crown created from a highly durable ceramic material. This facilitates the grinding and/or biting function of the missing tooth. It’s carefully fabricated to look just like a natural tooth too.

3. Dental implants in Arizona are replacement teeth that feel natural and comfortable and don’t in any way damage the neighboring tissues.

A Final Note on Dental Implants in Arizona

Dental implants Arizona

The discovery of osseointegration, albeit accidental, conceived the entire field of dental implantology. Modern dental implants in Arizona now offer patients presenting with single and multiple missing teeth a fantastic, functional and long-lasting solution, giving you back your smile confidence!